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Hello. My name is Leong Jia Min. I have a christian name, Esther. Welcome to my blog =D


Leong Jia Min

Those flashing lights.


© freakyryo-

Friday, April 08, 2011

No matter how much resentment i feel towards you(albeit not all the time), how much I disapprove of your actions(albeit not all the time), how much unhappiness I have begrudge against you(albeit not all the time), I still love you. This is the power of the bond between us as a family. Life should be happy, it should always be. I am happy. Are you?

Thursday, April 07, 2011

I adore RPGs(role playing games). They usually come with fantastic storyline and unexpected twists and turns that it never fails to make me feel adrenaline rush and fascinated. The latest one that I played is Kingdom hearts: Birth by sleep. Once I get my hands on a RPG, I get hooked on it so badly that I could just play it the whole day. Well, I only have to make sure that my game consoles are far away from me during exams- this is so extremely important.

Anyone care for a game?

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Why. don't. you. get. it? Two families can never be one. Well maybe it can but for this special case, i can tell you IT. CANNOT. BE. ONE. Why? Because you caused a crack, a non-curable crack within this family. So don't expect us to live like a normal family with the outsiders because outsiders can never become a family- not as long as there is a crack.

Maybe someday it can but I doubt it's going to be anytime soon.

Saturday, April 02, 2011

You know, friendship really takes two hands to clap. If both parties bother, the friendship will blossom through time and space. No matter how much time has passed, the friendship remains. It is such a great comfort to know that my China friends are amongst the ones who bother. Today is such a day that i am reminded of how deep and precious our friendship is.

Do you know? We have known each other for 5 years. The end of this year will mark the 6. Throughout the 5 years, we have only met each other(PHYSICALLY) for less than a month. In 2006, we met them for 1 and a half week. In 2007, it's 2 weeks. Goodness gracious, it's even less than a month. But look how strong our friendship stands. Even till today, we are still in contact with each other- taking the time and effort to msn, sms and email.

I am very thankful for these friends. A friendship that goes beyond distance and time is something that I find amazing. Something that not everyone is lucky to have... Something... that I really really really cherish.

Friday, April 01, 2011

Nothing beats a good night heart to heart talk with your best friend. I practically poured out my whole heart to Serene today and it really feels so fantabulous to share your troubles with someone. Someone who cares and who is willing to listen. Most importantly that someone loves you and bothers to make the time and effort for you.

Today i have travelled all around Singapore. The weather is so crazily hot that it feels like i'm walking in the desert!!! -.- First up is Tampines, second MI, third NUS and forth SMU. MY LEGS ARE ACHING LIKE MAD NOW. Okay i am exaggerating but my muscles does ache a bit :( And thank you Shawn for accompanying me to NUS even though you are sick. I appreciate it and looking forward to eating ICHIBAN with you in june! Study hard in the meantime!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

The deadliest sin of all - Greed. I am too greedy for my own good. This is bad. I should be contented for God has been gracious and merciful to me.

So I will be contented and satisfied because I try to remind myself that everyday and God is working with me to put aside all my greediness!

Oh yes, Happy April Fool people!!!!!

Dear NUS,


I have clearly send my supporting documents to NUS through SPEED MAIL(which is bloody costly) and it would have reached NUS by yesterday. Why is it that my status has not yet changed? I could only think of 2 reasons for this.

1) Your system sucks and is very inefficient.


2) The speedmail isn't any speedmail at all. If that is the case, I promise i will hound them for a good explanation. BUT i doubt this is the case.

I'm feeling super cheesed off right now. I worry. I have no faith when i'm supposed too. CHEESED. And dear NUS, u r not making this any better.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

He HEALS the BROKEN in HEART and BINDS up their WOUNDS- Psalm 147:3

What a wonderful God we have. You know, there is a famous quote saying that Time Heals All Wounds. While that is effective to a certain extent, there are some wounds that hurt so deep that time could only seem to relieve it little by little but it is nonetheless etched into our hearts- some even as clear as it all just happened yesterday. Well lucky for me, my memory fails me over time. HAHA.

At all times there can be only one MESSIAH who could take all these pain and hurt away and let our wounds be healed. You ask me - whose that? Read the top verse mate ;) Yes, we have a Great God who cares and love for us so why not rely on him for comfort and strength? For all you know, he works in miraculous and surprising ways.